Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gun Control: You Don’t Actually Need an Assault Weapon

Gun Control: You Don't Actually Need an Assault Weapon
Anna Nicks
12-17-2013  12:49 pm

OWENSVILLE, MO-Bring up gun control, and everyone is going to have an opinion, whether for it, or against it.  I see very few people who fall in the middle.  I tend to fall on the side of more control.  Now hold on.  Before you stop reading, or before you start sending me angry letters, let me explain.  I am not saying that no one should be allowed to have any firearms.  That is not my opinion.  I am simply stating that – “hey, it might be a good idea to have some restrictions on the deadly weapons that people own and shoot.” 
            Allow me to ask a rhetorical question.  Why do you need an assault rifle that holds fifty bullets?  Not “why do you want,” but “why do you need” I have heard many answers.  One of them (that I see as the most ridiculous) is “to protect my rights.”  To protect your rights?  Really?  What rights do you have to protect with an assault weapon?  As I see it, none of them. 
            Is it a good idea to allow anybody to buy a silencer?  Again, I ask: why do you need a silencer?  If your activities are legal, you do not.  I understand that sometimes people just want to own something, but if that something could be misused to kill someone and get away with it, perhaps it is not a good idea to let everyone have them. 
            It is my opinion that there should be some restrictions on what firearms and firearm paraphernalia people can own and fire.  I believe that you should have as many weapons as you want.  I believe that you should not be able to own fully automatic guns.  I do not believe that you should own anything that makes the mass slaughter of human beings incredibly easy to get away with.  Restriction on guns is not to squash your rights, they are to help protect you and your loved ones.       

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