Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Spirit Days

Spirit Days
Anna Nicks

OWENSVILLE, MO-            This past spirit week, in preparation for the homecoming football game, there were many participants.  The theme was “reach for the stars and win.”  From Black and White day to Favorite Movie Character Day, this year’s spirit week was widely participated in, and enjoyed by many.
            Monday was black and white day, to represent the silent movies.  This day was considered the “easiest” to dress for by many.  Tuesday, people came dressed as their favorite movie characters.  Jeremiah Abell dressed as Harry Potter.  His ensemble consisted of a stick, glasses, and a tie. “It was fun…It was very, very fun.” He says of the spirit day. 
Come Wednesday, students donned their bright colors in Bright Like a Star Day.  Neon greens, yellows, pinks, and other color flooded the halls.  Thursday was Hex Day, and OHS students dressed in the opposing team’s colors.  This year, students dressed in the Pacific Indians’ purple.  Finally, Friday rolled around and keeping with tradition, it was Orange and Black day.  Senior kept with their own quirky tradition and wore orange hunting vests with sequins and words. 
Amber Winston dresses as Pippi Longstocking

            Spirit days are there for a reason; they exist so students can participate and have fun.  This year, there was a lot of participation, and it is hoped for even more next year!

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