Zane West-Derby
12-3-2013 1:15 pm
OWENSVILLE, MO-Numerous Owensville High School students tried out for District
Choir which was broken up into two sections, Honor Choir and Concert Choir on
September 23th, 2013. Only six were successful in making Honor Choir and five
made Concert Choir. Tensions were high until the final announcement was made.
Hailey Eckelkamp, Lauren Becker, Shelby Oberle, Alynn Chaney,
Matt Toole, and Emily Hendrix were the six that made Honor Choir. Landon
Mckinney, Katey Smith, Luke Jahnsen, Jeremiah Abell, and Tanner Echols made
Concert Choir.
I decided to ask some of the people that tried out for Honor
Choir a few Questions. 1. How was the experience? 2. How do you think you did?
Was it fun?
Emily Hendrix said, “It was nerve racking and scary. Three
judges two feet from you it was scary, hard and scary. I sang “American
Lullaby” and thought I did pretty good and ended up making Honor Choir! It was
very fun!
Hailey Eckelkamp said, “Before the audition I knew I would be
okay with my song I prepared, yet, I was not very sure about sight reading.
Once I got done with I the the sight reading I thought I had done terrible.
Turns out I did well enough to make the HONOR CHOIR!
Lauren Becker said, “I was really nervous. After the audition I
was disappointed because I thought I messed it all up, and there was no way I
would make it. When I found out I made Honor Choir I was so surprised and
Choir was an experience for singers who audition from the Central District
Schools. Over 500 singers auditioned, the Honor Choir and Concert Choir each
has. Singers have 100 members. Singers that are Juniors or Seniors may audition
for All-State Choir if chosen for Honor Choir. On Saturday November 9th, the
Choir will rehearse all day at Waynesville High School then perform the concert
that night at 5pm.
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